Featured projects
Leren van LinC
Dit project onderzoekt de aanpak, leerresultaten en impact van het programma Leiderschap in Cultuur (LinC).
The effect of the Life Sciences and Society programme on professional identity
This project aims to investigate the impact of the Life Sciences and Society (LSS) programme on former students’ professional identity formation through qualitative research methods.
Understanding internationalisation
This project aims to improve our understanding of internationalisation of higher education by measuring the influences of academic disciplines and their related professional fields.
All projects
Academic Buddy
In dit project geven native speakers feedback aan Nederlandse studenten om hun taalvaardigheid te verbeteren en om internationalisering te bevorderen.
AI in Higher Education
This USO project seeks to strengthen reflective awareness among staff and students about the risks and possibilities of generative AI.
An Inclusive curriculum and learning environment
The project aims to create curriculum scans and teaching materials for inclusive learning environments in student and professional development.
Avatars of animals and humans
This project evaluates the effectiveness of using 3D interactive holographic models (avatars) of animals and humans for educational purposes.
Belonging@UU – Diversity and inclusion beyond the numbers
This project aims to understand students' sense of belonging and create an inclusive learning environment to enhance their experience at the UU.
Blended learning: de toets en de docent
Onderzoek naar de combinatie van bestaande onderwijsvormen en e-assessment, e-lectures en e-modules in het onderwijs.
Bringing internationalisation into the one-year MA
This USO-project aims to provide a concrete set of teaching practices to enhance tailor-made internationalisation.
Building blocks for diversity
The project aimed to make refugee students' experiences visible, audible and tangible.
ChatGPT in (juridisch) onderwijs: mogelijkheden en risico’s
Het project onderzoekt de mogelijkheden en risico's van het gebruik van grote taalmodellen (LLM), zoals ChatGPT, in juridisch onderwijs.
Co-creating onLine Information Knowledge Clips for Society (CLICKS)
CLIKCS is een multidisciplinair onderwijsproject waar studenten van verschillende opleidingen samen online publiekseducatiemateriaal maken in de vorm van kennisclips en webteksten.
Communicate! Gespreksoefening met behulp van gaming
Ontwikkeling van de serious game ‘Communicate!’ waarmee interpersoonlijke communicatievaardigheden kunnen worden geoefend.
Community service en community engagement
Ontwikkeling van ervaringsgericht onderwijs rond de concepten Community Service en Community Engagement.