Featured learning activities
Persoonlijke identiteitswielen
Het social identity wheel is bedoeld om na te denken over en te reflecteren op welke sociale identiteiten je kan vormen, wanneer deze expliciet zichtbaar en/of voelbaar worden,...
Placemat method
This method facilitates group discussions, letting students individually answer questions before collaborating on shared responses.
World café
A structured group discussion in a café setting, promoting listening and discussion on specific themes.
All learning activities
Let students brainstorm individually for a given time before answering a open question.
The instructor introduces a question or assignment, and then the students work on it briefly in small groups.
Concept Map
Let students make a concept map to use as a graphic organizer about a certain topic.
Concrete Images
Students bring a concrete image to class and discuss common themes, patterns and missing information regarding a topic or phenomenom.
Create Infographic
Students collaborate to create an infographic or PowerPoint about literature, a case study, or a project.
In effective demonstrations students should be asked to predict outcomes, then experience the demonstration, and then reflect.
Entry & Exit tickets
Entry & Exit tickets are short prompts that provide instructors with a quick student diagnostic.
Exam Questions
Let students come up with their own exam questions and answers. Other students practise with these questions.
Multiple choice
Students answer multiple choice questions during a quiz.
Peer Review
Peer review provides students with feedback from peers. This teaches the student and peer to critically look at their work.
Press conference
A press conference could be held at the end of the group project to present the students' findings.
Question of the day
Students come up with a ‘question of the day’ and present a question at the start of the tutorial session.