26 January 2023


This post is also available in: Nederlands (Dutch)

TrainTool allows students to train their communication skills. Think of skills such as presentation, interview techniques and conversation skills (for example with patients, clients, or students).
In a short video Traintool presents a situation to the students. They are asked to react to this situation. They do this by making a video recording of themselves using a computer, tablet, or smartphone. When they are satisfied, the recording can be shared with peers and teachers so that they can provide feedback on the recording based on predetermined criteria. In addition to sharing with peers and teachers for feedback, exercises can also be set up as a test with a limited number of attempts. The teacher then automatically receives the recordings. 

Traintool is good to use as preparation for lectures or working groups, or to practice applying theory on conversation skills. 

Want to know more about this tool? Then use the Request tool button. Through this button you can request the tool and make an appointment for didactic or technical advice. 

Traintool Handleiding NL

Traintool Handleiding Student NL

Traintool Manual ENG

Traintool Manual Student ENG


Some additional information;

A PowerPoint that you can use during the first class, to explain Traintool to the students.

A didactical guide (NL)

  • What types of videos is TrainTool suitable for?  

TrainTool works with roleplays: short video assignments (5-30 seconds) in which a scenario is presented to the student. The student must respond to it with a reaction video (preferably no longer than 60 seconds). Keeping the videos short is important to provide specific feedback on the sub-skill and related competencies. 

  • What types of assignments can you create in TrainTool?  

The roleplays in TrainTool are short assignments linked to a sub-skill. Examples of what roleplays can be about:   

  • Gathering the right information about a patient (Pharmacy).  
  • Trying to figure out how a child is feeling (Pedagogy).  
  • Starting your lesson effectively (Teacher Education).  
  • Properly explaining how to ensure anonymity in your research (Qualitative Research Methods).  
  • How to best use your intonation during a presentation (academic presentation).  
  • The partial skills are part of the skill that students need to learn (such as academic presenting).  


  • How do I create videos for TrainTool?  

With smartphone, laptop, or camera, you can record role-plays and then post them in Traintool. You can record yourself or others acting out as a patient or conversational partner.  

It is also possible to record videos in one of the knowledge clip studios available to UU (Utrecht University) teachers. The recording will look professional, and UU technical support is available by appointment. TrainTool’s supplier can also be engaged if you really want to go professional and outsource part of it. They have actors and recording equipment. This is an external service and there is a cost for this.  

  • Can I add other educational materials to my course in TrainTool?  

You could add some preparation before a roleplay assignment in the form of a video or image and explanatory text. You can also attach files (such as a manual) to your course’s main page. 

  • In what ways can feedback be given in TrainTool?  

When a student has created a reaction video, they can share it with their peers. Teachers can also offer feedback to any video submitted by a student. All feedback is text-based. In it, you judge whether the student has attained the competencies the assignment demands. 

You are free to share and adapt, if you give appropriate credit and use it non-commercially. More on Creative Commons


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