Featured projects
Leren van LinC
Dit project onderzoekt de aanpak, leerresultaten en impact van het programma Leiderschap in Cultuur (LinC).
The effect of the Life Sciences and Society programme on professional identity
This project aims to investigate the impact of the Life Sciences and Society (LSS) programme on former students’ professional identity formation through qualitative research methods.
Understanding internationalisation
This project aims to improve our understanding of internationalisation of higher education by measuring the influences of academic disciplines and their related professional fields.
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Student ownership by a personalized learning system
This project develops an IT-enhanced, future-proof, personalized learning system for UCU that gives students ownership over their curriculum and progress.
Student reflection on own competencies in P&PT: A pilot study
P&PT education in the bachelors has to optimized to enable students to utilize their clinical clerkships and develop proper prescribing skills.
Sturen op afstand
Ontwikkeling en implementatie van een cursus voor externe stagebegeleiders ter verbetering van feedbackvaardigheden.
Synchrony. An embodied approach to developing intercultural competence
This project develops of a training module to enhance students’ intercultural competences.
Taalvaardigheid van de UU-student
In dit project zijn o.a. een handboek, een e-module en een taalvaardigheidstoets ontwikkeld om de taalvaardigheid van studenten te verbeteren.
Taalverwerving Frans 2: monitoren van en differentiëren in een heterogene groep
Dit project heeft als doel om: differentiatiestrategieën en diagnostische instrumenten te integreren in Taalverwerving Frans 2.
Teaching (in & outside) hospitals in het geneeskunde curriculum
Dit project test 'teaching hospitals' en meer extramurale opleidingstijd om het Geneeskundecurriculum te verbeteren.
Terugkomdag voor alumni van de master Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences
Dit project heeft als doel OvP-beleid beter te linken aan alumnibeleid door terugkomdagen te organiseren.
The challenges of Dutch as second language
This project aims to bring students of Linguistics in contact with refugees, help them with Dutch-L2, and, have them meet the Other on a human level.
The Da Vinci project
In this project students learn to cross the boundaries between scientific disciplines and work on real-life sustainability-related challenges.
The Development of Moral and Ethical Reasoning in the Law Curriculum
This project aims to select a useful teaching method for the development of moral and ethical reasoning of law students.
The effect of Team-Based Learning on Pharmacology Knowledge
This study investigates the effectiveness of Team-Based Learning (TBL) as an educational approach for teaching pharmacology.