UU Inclusive Teaching Toolbox
This toolbox describes how a team of teachers may develop a more inclusive curriculum.
PPE: Interdisciplinary and Professional Skills
This project aims to embed and enhance interdisciplinary and professional skills in the PPE curriculum.
Minor Taal, Recht en Cultuur
Dit project heeft als doel om de minor Taal, Cultuur en Recht interdisciplinair te verbeteren en verduurzamen.
Da Vinci Program – A design thinking approach to a student experience
The project aims to engage Master students in interdisciplinary, challenge-based learning to develop sustainable solutions and train as changemakers.
Ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een nieuwe keuzecursus: ‘Farmacieonderwijs ontrafeld’
Dit project heeft als doel om een cursus te ontwikkelen die farmaciestudenten vroeg betrekt bij onderwijs en hen bekwaam maakt in onderwijsontwikkeling en -innovatie.
Touch mathematics in virtual reality
The project aims to: enhance learning of topology and geometry through VR applications using cognitive and educational science.
Solar energy conversion and storage living lab
This project aims to create a living lab for solar energy conversion and storage to enhance chemistry education.
Immersive Chemistry Education (ICE)
The project aims to integrate fundamental chemistry and catalysis with analytical techniques via interactive virtual labs.
Dynamic teacher community
This project aims to enhance Science Faculty teachers' community by improving information access and collaboration.
A model for self-assessment of learning artefacts
The project aims to outline key aspects for promoting self-assessment of learning artifacts in higher education.
Social connectedness in higher education: evidence from first year learning communities
This project aims to elucidate student's positive and negative perceptions of the social climate in the Undergraduate Pharmacy FLC's.
Understanding the role of conducting design-based research in teacher education
This project addresses how design-based research supports goals of pre-service biology teachers.
Young Innovators Programme – within a local community
This project aims to build a reciprocal relationship with the Hof van Cartesius and ground their 'place-based pedagogies'.
Assessment of interdisciplinary competencies
The project supports integrating interdisciplinary skills into disciplinary settings, aiding both teachers and students in training and assessment.
Generative Artificial Intelligence in Programming Education
The aim of this project is to explore the implications of generative AI tools on programming education