Het Vlak: in dialoog over complexe onderwerpen met behulp van objecten
Docentenhandleiding en -training voor creatieve werkvorm waarmee studenten dialoogvoering ervaren en oefenen.
Open Minds: leren perspectief te nemen en in dialoog te gaan
Project dat creatieve werkvormen ontwikkelt om complexe onderwerpen te bespreken en studenten de kennis, vaardigheden en attitudes voor dialoogvoering te laten ontwikkelen
Open Mind game
Digital game to support participants in recognizing their prejudices and developing their perspective-taking skills by having conversations with various characters with diverse characteristics.
AI in Higher Education
This USO project seeks to strengthen reflective awareness among staff and students about the risks and possibilities of generative AI.

Improve digital accessibility of course materials
A challenge-based interdisciplinary undergraduate concept fostering translational medicine
This project aims to develop an interdisciplinary challenge-based educational concept to implement translational medicine in undergraduate (bio)medical education.
SENSE: Sustainable and Equitable North-South Collaboration in Education
SENSE aims to establish Sustainable and Equitable North-South Collaboration in Education across UMCU, University College Utrecht, and Geosciences.
Pleading in Virtual Reality: improving student experience and student learning
Our aim is to study which elements of our VR-approach (positively) influence student experience and student learning.
Interpersoonlijke relaties in het onderwijs
Wat is het interpersoonlijke perspectief en hoe kun je dit als docent inzetten in je interactie met studenten?
Assessment of interdisciplinary competencies
The project supports integrating interdisciplinary skills into disciplinary settings, aiding both teachers and students in training and assessment.
Active Learning
This article briefly explains Active learning and what effects it can have on students' performance.
Toetsen met multiple choice (MC+)
Toetsen met multiple choice in 5 stappen: ontwerp, het maken van vragen, toets-afname, toetsanalyse en de uitslag bepalen.
Voor het eerst een project managen
Beschrijving van de basisaspecten van projectmatig werken en het managen van een project.
Can an AI obtain a master’s degree? An investigation into AI-assisted education in the MSBBSS Research Master’s programme.
An investigation into AI-assisted education in the MSBBSS Research Master’s programme.
Generative Artificial Intelligence in Programming Education
The aim of this project is to explore the implications of generative AI tools on programming education