Leren van LinC
Dit project onderzoekt de aanpak, leerresultaten en impact van het programma Leiderschap in Cultuur (LinC).
The effect of the Life Sciences and Society programme on professional identity
This project aims to investigate the impact of the Life Sciences and Society (LSS) programme on former students’ professional identity formation through qualitative research methods.
Understanding internationalisation
This project aims to improve our understanding of internationalisation of higher education by measuring the influences of academic disciplines and their related professional fields.
Onderwijskundige ondersteuning nieuwe geneeskundecurriculum
Dit project heeft als doel een nieuw curriculum voor geneeskunde te ontwikkelen.
History Teaching Platform: als community of practice
Dit consolidatieproject heeft ten doel om het History Teaching Platform in te bedden en (intern) te verduurzamen.
Persoonlijke identiteitswielen
Het social identity wheel is bedoeld om na te denken over en te reflecteren op welke sociale identiteiten je kan vormen, wanneer deze expliciet zichtbaar en/of voelbaar worden,...
Curriculumherziening Klinische Gezondheidswetenschappen (KGW)
Dit project heeft als doel het KGW-curriculum te herzien.
Ethiek is de basis
Inleiding Hoewel ethiekonderwijs binnen de faculteit SW vaste plek heeft gekregen is van een samenhangend programma nog geen sprake, en bovendien is de vraag om studenten voor te...
Placemat method
This method facilitates group discussions, letting students individually answer questions before collaborating on shared responses.
World café
A structured group discussion in a café setting, promoting listening and discussion on specific themes.
Reflection line Pedagogical Practicum
The Pedagogical Practicum enhances first-year Bachelor's students' reflection on pedagogical issues through evidence-based advisory reports.
Assessing presentation skills and stress levels in students
This project explores how virtual reality presentations and feedback impact students' anxiety and arousal levels.
An update of the Scholarship of Teaching Inventory (STI)
The project aims to validate the Scholarship of Teaching Inventory (STI) as a tool for monitoring the development of SoTL.
Social connectedness in higher education
The aim of this project is to elucidate students’ perceptions of the social climate within the Utrecht Undergraduate Pharmacy FLCs.
The effect of Team-Based Learning on Pharmacology Knowledge
This study investigates the effectiveness of Team-Based Learning (TBL) as an educational approach for teaching pharmacology.