Leren van LinC
Dit project onderzoekt de aanpak, leerresultaten en impact van het programma Leiderschap in Cultuur (LinC).
The effect of the Life Sciences and Society programme on professional identity
This project aims to investigate the impact of the Life Sciences and Society (LSS) programme on former students’ professional identity formation through qualitative research methods.
Understanding internationalisation
This project aims to improve our understanding of internationalisation of higher education by measuring the influences of academic disciplines and their related professional fields.
Leren van LinC
Dit project onderzoekt de aanpak, leerresultaten en impact van het programma Leiderschap in Cultuur (LinC).
Understanding internationalisation
This project aims to improve our understanding of internationalisation of higher education by measuring the influences of academic disciplines and their related professional fields.
UniCity: Learning Science in Society
UniCity beoogt toegankelijk onderwijs voor studenten van alle richtingen waarin zij de kans krijgen om maatschappelijk geëngageerd interdisciplinair onderzoek te doen samen met stadsbewoners en lokale gemeenschappen.
Toolbox Inclusive Teaching
This toolbox describes how a team of teachers may develop a more inclusive curriculum.
Uitbreiding e-module LSA-jurisprudentieanalyse
Dit project heeft als doel de e-module LSA-jurisprudentieanalyse uit te breiden met bestuurs- en internationaalrechtelijke uitspraken.
Game-based learning of European Competition Law
The project aims to enhance master-level competition law classes through a Monopoly-based, game-learning approach.
Poems and Stories: Giving Stage to Empathic Engagement with Inclusion, Sustainability, and Digitalization
The project aims to organize an interdisciplinary poetry slam and storytelling event focused on UU's strategic themes.
Data-Driven Equality Lab (DDEL): Enacting Interdisciplinary Strategies for Unravelling Structural Discrimination
The project aims to design a lab for students to collect and analyze data on structural inequality.
Implementation of organizational inquiry and theatre as a new teaching format for REBO
The project aims to design, implement, and evaluate a new immersive teaching format for higher-level learning.
Impact met onderzoek: Nieuw onderwijsmodel voor opleidingsbreed onderzoeksseminar B&O-master
Dit project heeft als doel het evalueren en herzien van het onderzoeksseminar voor B&O-masterstudenten op leerdoelen, programmering en toetsing.
Hidden Curriculum
This project develops a toolbox to help unpack, expose, materialize, and challenge the hidden curriculum.
Assessing presentation skills and stress levels in students
This project explores how virtual reality presentations and feedback impact students' anxiety and arousal levels.