Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning collection
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Six Teacher Tasks
Teaching & supporting learning
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Community Engaged Learning
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Browse Resources
Knowledge items
Learning activities
Educational projects
Teacher Tasks
Six Teacher Tasks
Teaching & supporting learning
Educational design
Assessment & Feedback
Leadership & management
Scholarship & research
Reflection & professional development
Educational Themes
Societal Engagement
Community Engaged Learning
Challenged Based Learning
Open Educational Resources
Remote Teaching
Hybrid Education
Educational Development & Training (O&T)
Good practice: Buddy’s voor startende docenten
UniCity: Learning Science in Society
Toolbox Inclusive Teaching
PPE: Interdisciplinary and Professional Skills
Minor Taal, Recht en Cultuur
Eigenaarschap van leren
Herziening verdiepingspakketten in de BA Media en cultuur
Taalverwerving Frans 2: monitoren van en differentiëren in een heterogene groep
Uitbreiding e-module LSA-jurisprudentieanalyse
Game-based learning of European Competition Law
Poems and Stories: Giving Stage to Empathic Engagement with Inclusion, Sustainability, and Digitalization
Data-Driven Equality Lab (DDEL): Enacting Interdisciplinary Strategies for Unravelling Structural Discrimination