Centre for Academic Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning collection
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Browse Resources
Knowledge items
Learning activities
Educational projects
Teacher Tasks
Six Teacher Tasks
Teaching & supporting learning
Educational design
Assessment & Feedback
Leadership & management
Scholarship & research
Reflection & professional development
Educational Themes
Societal Engagement
Community Engaged Learning
Challenged Based Learning
Open Educational Resources
Remote Teaching
Hybrid Education
Faculty Utrecht Incentive Fund (USO/EMP)
Herontwerpen van een cursus praktijkgericht onderzoek voor leraren
Seksualiteit: van niche naar mainstream.
Terugkomdag voor alumni van de master Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences
Wegwijs in open data: Gebruik van open data in de bachelor SGPL
Standardizing ecological field methods in education with knowledge clips
NATURICITY virtual field trip
Ruimte voor multiperspectiviteit: naar een inclusief curriculum in de bacheloropleidingen AW, NW&I en SGPL – II
All Aboard
Data, ethiek en privacy: informatie voor studenten
Energy in the Built Environment in the Social Media
Increasing accessibility of field-based Geoscience learning
Da Vinci Program – A design thinking approach to a student experience